Welcome to bojing!
Thank you for choosing our product and service (referred as “Service”). The Service is provided by bojing
Pte Ltd (referred as “bojing”)
Once using our service, which means that you have agreed to our Terms. Please read the Terms
Our service area is very broad, thus will suit some additional conditions or product requirements (which
included age
requirement) sometimes. Additional conditions will be provided along with particular service, and it become a
part of
our agreement once you have used the service.
Use of Service
You should follow all the policies as stated in the service.
Please do not abuse our service. For example, please do not disturb our service or try to use other ways which
the interface that we provided and out of the instructions to access these services. You only allow to use our
within the laws (which included export and reexport control laws and regulations). If you not follow our terms
policies, or we are investigating suspected misconduct, we can stop or terminate the service which provided to
Using our service does not mean that you own our service’s or visited content’s any intellectual properties.
Unless you
have received agreement from the content holder or have gone through other method to receive law agreement,
you will
unable to use any content of the service. This terms do not award you the right to use any trademark or logo
in our
service. Please do not delete, hide, or modify any legal notices which show on or show along with our service.
Our service will show some contents which not belong to bojing. The entity which release these contents will
take all
the responsibilities. We might investigate the related content to ensure it is against the law or our policy
or not. If
we have the reason to believe that the content has against the law or our policy, we have the right to delete
it or
refuse to show it. However, it does not mean that we necessary to investigate the content, thus please do not
take for
granted that we are doing investigation.
When you are using our service, we might sent you service announcement, management information, or any other
information. You can choose to not receive these information as stated above.
Certain part of our services can be used on mobile device. When using these kind of services, please do not
attention from and against traffic or safety.
bojing Account
To use some of our services, you might need an bojing account. You can create your own bojing account or
bojing account from administrator (e.g. Department or educational institution that you belong to). If you are
using the
bojing account which allocated by administrator, you might follow other terms or additional terms, and your
administrator might have the right to access or terminate your account.
In order to protect your bojing Account, please keep your password nicely and make it confidential. You
should take the
responsibility on the activity on your bojing account or the activity done by the account. Please try your
best to
avoid using the same password as bojing account in the third party application. If you found that your
password or
bojing account has been used by someone without your permission, please operate according to the
Privacy and Copyright Protection
How we manage your personal data and protect your privacy when you using our service is as stated in bojing
policy. Once using our service which means that you have agree bojing can to use your personal data according
to our
privacy policy.
We will reply the inform of suspected infringement of copyright and terminate the infringer’s account by
follow the
procedure as according to America .
We will provide information to copyright holder to help them online manage own intellectual property. If you
think that
some one has violated your copyright and you wish to inform us, can look up the related submit notification
and response notification privacy which related to bojing at Customer Service.
Your Content of Release in Our Service
Some of our services allow you upload, aubmit, save, send, or receive content. You reserve the right for any
intellectual property of the content. In brief, the content belongs to you is still belongs to you.
When you upload, submit, save, or sent content to our service, and upload, submit, save, sent, or receive
through our service, you have conferred bojing (and our cooperative partner) a global permission, which is
bojing uses, collocation, save, copy, modify, create derive product (e.g. Produce a product by translate,
adapt, or
other modification to make your content cooperate with our service in a better way), spread, publish, public
demonstration, spectacle, and distribute the content. The right you have conferred in this permission only can
be used
on operation, publicity, and improving our service and also develop new service. The permission might still
valid after
you terminate our service. Some services might provide you some methods, which can be used to access or delete
provided service content. Other than that, terms or setting in some of our services will narrow down the using
area of
submitted content of related service. Please make sure you have the necessary right to confer the permission
to us for
any content that you submitted to our server.
Our automatic system will analyze your content (which included Email) in order to provide you a product
function which
more suitable to personal need, such as customize search result, customized advertisement, and junk mail and
detection. When you sending, receiving, and saving the content, our system will go through this analysis.
If you already have a bojing account, we might reveal your personal information, name, photo, and the
operation which
you have done on bojing or bojing account which linked to third party application (e.g. +1 and the comments
release) in our service (which included advertisement or any other business environment). We respect the
setting for
sharing restriction and publicity degree in bojing account. For example,not show your name and photo in
through setting.
You can get to know how to use and save the content detail related to bojing at privacy policy or additional
of the related service. If you have submitted any feedback or suggestion regarding to our service, we will
make use of
it but not undertake any obligation for you.
Regarding Software in Our Service
If a service which require to download or include downloadable software, and it might update automatically on
device when the software has new version or released new function. Some services might allow you adjust the
update setting.
bojing confers you free of charge, non-transferable, non-exclusive global personal permission, agree you
using the
software which provided by and included in the bojing service. This permission only referred that you can
benefit from the service which provided by bojing through the agreement of this terms. You are restrict from
modify, release, sell, or rent out service or any parts form the software. You are also restrict from reverse
engineering or trying to extract the software source code, unless the laws have prohibited the restriction as
above or
you have received the written agreement from bojing.
Open source software is important to us. Some parts of the software we used in our service might provided
according to
the open source software agreement, we will provide you that agreement. Rules in open source software
agreement might
overturn some terms as stated above.
Modification and Termination of Service
We are always modify and improving our service. We might add or delete function, or might stop or terminate
You can stop using our service anytime although we feel sorry about that. bojing might stop providing service
to you
anytime also, or, add or set new restriction to our service anytime.
We consider that you possess your data ownership and reserve the access right of these kind of data, which is
a very
important point. If we stop a service in a proper reasonable condition, we will notify user in advance, and
let the user
has chance to remit the information from the server.
Guarantee and Disclaimer
When providing server, we will take the responsibility of technical ability and duty of care at commercially
level, hope you will like to use them. However we cannot make the promise regarding to service matters.
Except from the content which clearly established in this terms or additional provisions, bojing with
supplier and
distributor will not give any specific commitments. For example, we will not give any specific commitments
toward the
content, specific function of the service, or, it’s reliability, availability, or the ability to fulfill your
needs in
the service.The service is provided “as according to the original version”.
Some judicial jurisdiction area will make specific assurance, such as implied guaranty of marketability,
purpose applicability and non-infringement. We eliminate all the guarantees within the scope prescribed by
Responsibility of Service
Within the scope prescribed by law, bojing with supplier and distributor assumes no responsibility towards
loss of
profit, loss in income, or, the responsibility for indirect, special, consequential, punishing, or punitive
Within the scope prescribed by law, bojing with supplier and distributor towards all the compensation
responsibility of
any claim for compensation under this term (which included any implied guaranty) be limited to your use of the
as well as the money which paid to us (or we can choose to provide you such service again).
Under all the circumstance, bojing with supplier and distributor assumes no responsibility towards any
foresee lose and damage.
Commercial Utilization of Service
If you represent an enterprise and using our service, thus the enterprise must accept this terms. Any responsibility or fee of any compensation, prosecution or litigation, which included compensate, loss, compensation for damages, prosecute, sentence, court costs, and attorney fee which cause or related by using this service or against this terms,the enterprise should compensate and away from damage towards bojing and related organization, administrative staffs, agency, and stuffs.
Regarding this Terms
We can modify terms as stated above or any additional provisions which applicable to a service, such as,
proceed to
modification in order to reflect the change of laws or our service. You suppose to look up this terms
regularly. We will
release the modification notice of these terms at this web page. We will release the modification notice of
provisions in the applicable service. Application for all modifications do not have retro-activity, and become
after 14th days or longer time after release. However, modification towards special modify of service new
function or
due to legal cause will effective immediately. If you not agree with the amending clause of the service,
should stop
using the service.
If this terms have conflict with additional terms, the additional terms will be the final confirmation.
This terms restrain the relationship between you and bojing, and not establish any third party beneficiary
If you not follow this terms, and we not take action immediately, does not mean that we give up any right
(e.g. Take
action in future) that we might have.
If a term cannot be enforced, it will not affect the effectiveness of other terms.
Information regarding how to contact bojing, please visit our contact information website.